Root canal treatment is one of the most commonly performed procedure by dentists. Root canal refers to the internal cavity of the tooth in which the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth lay. When there is increase in the decay of the tooth, there is involvement of the roots canals, which leads to pain. Such pain can start by minor stimuli like on consumption of hot and cold beverages or sweet food stuffs. The pain is usually very severe and produces discomfort. Usually, soon as treatment starts, pain associated is reduced.
How is the procedure done?
The dentist usually performs the procedure under 2 to 3 appointments. The first sitting is done after administration of local anaesthesia. The carious/ decayed part of the root is removed first. After this, a temporary filling material is used to seal the orifice created in the tooth. On the next visit, disinfection of the canals is performed using solutions like sodium hypochlorite and saline. Once completely sterile, inert material like gutta percha is used for filling the canals. This material is used for permanent filling. After this final step, a crown is fabricated for the tooth. This is then placed over the tooth to secure it from breaking. It also helps keep the tooth maintain proper functionality.
When is the treatment done?
Root canal treatment is required in certain continental like:
– When tooth decay increases.
– During severe/acute pain arising during eating.
– Tooth pain on consuming hot and sweet food stuff.
– Swelling in gums
– A repeated or persisting bump seen in the gums.
When can’t the treatment be done?
Root canal treatment is a non-invasive treatment and does not induce much bleeding. Only a few conditions of present, the treatment should be avoided, otherwise it can be performed in almost all patients without any complications. Conditions in which it cannot be performed include:
– Uncontrolled hypertension
– Uncontrolled diabetes
– Presence of fever/infection
What are the post treatment guidelines?
Your dentist will usually advise some precautions to be taken after the treatment.
-Since local anaesthesia is administered, eating should be avoided since one may end up buying on the lip or cheek due to loss of sensation.
– Medicines prescribed by the dentist should be taken in proper dose as prescribed.
– Regular maintenance of proper peak hygiene by brushing and flossing should be performed.
– Hard and crispy food should not be chewed for at least a couple of days on the side where root canal treatment is being performed.
– If any kind of swelling is seen, it should be reported to the dentist immediately.
How long does it take to recover?
Recovery varies from person to person. In about 2-3 days, usually patients are comfortable. Complete resolution of all issues happens in about a week. After placement of the permanent crown, patients become accustomed to the crown within 1-2 weeks.
Are the results permanent?
Results of a properly performed root canal treatment are expected to last a lifetime. These results can be maintained by practicing a good oral hygiene on a regular basis.
What are the alternatives?
The alternative to RCT is extraction or removal of the offending tooth. Since a list tooth possess difficulty in eating, infected teeth are advised to get treated as soon as possible for best results.
At Dr Saurabh’s Dental clinic and implant centre, we routinely perform RCT for patients using motorized instrument for faster and effective results. Visit us for more info at Shop no-2, Vinayak residency, Keshav Nagar, University road, Udaipur.
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