Missing teeth have been a big curse for patients. Whether it is due to sudden trauma, due to mobile teeth or advanced tooth decay, missing teeth should be replaced as soon as they are lost. Consequences of not replacing lost teeth are grave, much more than patients can anticipate. If you do not replace missing teeth, the opposite tooth erupts more and tries to close the space created coz of tooth loss. The tooth behind and the one in front also leave their actual place and try to “fit in” into the space formed.
The conventional and age old method to replace these missing teeth was to perform root canal treatment for the 2 adjacent teeth and place a 3 unit bridge over the same. This compromised vital tooth structure unnecessarily, which became inevitable though, since there were no more options available to restore the space created.
A couple of decades back, dental implants were introduced in the field of dentistry as a permanent solution of tooth loss. A dental implant is a surgical component made of inert materials like titanium, placed within the jaw bone to support and provide anchorage to dental prosthesis like a crown, a bridge or a denture. The implant fixture is first placed and left for a variable amount of time for healing to take place. Healing occurs by a biological process called Osseo integration, in which bone forms in the threads surrounding the fixture. This makes the implant firm in the jaw.
There are a number of added advantages that implants provide, which include:
- Improved appearance
- Enhanced self-esteem
- Improved speech
- Improved comfort
- Improved oral health
- Durability
- Natural appearance of teeth
- Better chewing ability
Implants have come a long way and will help you maintain your dentition over a long way. Get your confident smile and the comfort that you desire!
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